Monday, July 24, 2017

Day two in Montreal

The jazz trumpeter stopped trumpetting at 1.20 this morning. I gave up trying to sleep and lay in bed enjoying the music. He or she were rather good. I settled for toast and strawberry jam (whole strawberries with juice) and a much needed cup of tea for breakfast while others chomped into croissants with cream cheese and nutella.

Then off I went. First to notre dame a rather spectacular church amongst some other amazing architecture of the 18th and 19 centuries. Along lots of cobbled streets I meandered to the hotel villa and the house of governor general in 18th century Ramazay. I  hadn't realized that Canada had been settled so much earlier than New Zealand. Canada is celebrating it's 375 anniversary this year. Time for another breakfast  (this time outside in a little cafe). I watched the world go by while munching on potatoes and omelet. Oh and copious cups of tea.

I wandered over to the man made beach which appealed to my sense of humor. You can't swim as it is right on the  shipping lane but there are sprinklers to refresh  you and all for $2. Given Montreal has no beaches I thought it was quite a good idea. I  climbed to the top of the clock tower (going up the 300 steps was quite nerve racking, surprisingly easier coming down).

After admiring some more old buildings surrounded by 1960 boxes I decided to go for a long walk helped by a smoothie.  Through residential areas, street after street of 3 or 4 storey apartment blocks I ventured. Hardly anyone was around. I finally got to the bio dome.  Part of the 1976 commonwealth games stadium. Amazing garden, never seen so many lillies. Half of Montreal was there I reckon.

I wandered back along streets a block down from where I ventured before.  I found where all the other residents were. Cafés, shops, more fairs, the street one over was thriving.

Exhausted and with blisters from shoes that have never been so unkind before I stopped for a Vietnamese dinner and then croissant and hot chocolate closer to my digs. There I listened to a wheel chair bound man singing rather well.  He had a sign next to his jar of  $$. "I am glad I survived, I am glad to be alive." Puts my little hardships into perspective.

Now I am off to get my camera wifi linked. Wish me luck!!!! It didn't happen. I took one look at the miniscule print in the instructions and felt too tired.

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