Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Day 6 Bike ride to Mikes Canyon

Another leisurely start - not being a morning person a "when I feel like waking up" morning followed by a leisurely breakfast is the way to go. There was a reason - the bike shop did not open until 10.00 am.  The shop was a few blocks away, and it just so happens we had to pass the corner bakery again - we looked at each other with a grin (more cheese sticks, pesto and cheese rolls, raspberry and cinnamon buns).  After seat adjustments, instructions, maps and helmets we were off. 

We rode alongside the river, the path we had walked a few days before - and then on to unchartered territories.

Out first stop was the float planes (some people moor their boats, others have float planes).  And then along the path and onto the Alaskan highway for a while - up a fairly steep hill (glad we decided to go electric - or pedal assist is what they call it over here) with a great view from the top and then onto local roads.  

I must admit I still find it disconcerting riding on the wrong side of the road.  I keep wanting to veer left, and think the traffic is coming towards me when it isn't.  Harry tells me that driving is made easier by the steering wheel being on the left - but somehow that doesn't apply to biking!!

Our destination was Miles canyon.  Bikes chained to the fence we wandered down the steps.  We spent a while enjoying the scenery, watched a paddle boarder navigate the swiftly flowing Yukon, took photos from the bridge and the other side and stopped for a snack.  

The trip back was fairly circuitous - after all we did not have to return the bikes until 6.00.  We followed the river to the end of town, through suburbs and commercial areas.

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