Saturday, March 28, 2020

January Exploring Wellington and Central Otago

Photos from January
Lyall Bay - seagulls looking for fish and chips

My first attempt at growing garlic - small and smelt like garlic - but unfortunately when you come to peel it the cloves are a tad too small.

Our walk with Jenny and Nugget on the Skyline walkway from Karori to Johnsonville.  Harry's first long walk since his knee op - possibly a bit early - but he made it and still had a smile on his face at the end.  Nugget didn't like the cattle stops and as there was no gate a kind stranger did her "weights workout" carrying him over.

Some summer concerts in the gardens - not very summery.

Went for a walk up the 19 flights of stairs to the bear cave.  On the way down little grandchild told strangers to be careful not to wake the bears.  In the night he woke up with sore legs!!

A few walks home on glorious days trying to get fit for Queen Charlotte Sounds.


Our first trip to Cromwell to see the Orchard in the making.  Went to Alexandra and played on the swings and explored Cromwell.  It was so nice having everyone together - I am a proud grandparent and mother - the best thing is seeing my children be good parents.

Most nights I wandered round the orchard.  Some lovely sunsets.

A short visit to Wanaka.


Sunsets from the kitchen window.

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