Saturday, July 14, 2018


It is school holiday time and Haz and I have just finished a fun filled week with Connie. We must have visited a new park everyday. Connie seems to be able to sniff them out way before we can see them. Darling harbour park was too busy with kids fighting to get up the slide. But inside the mall Connie found another one where she played happily with 5 boys for almost an hour.  Grandparents on duty sat watching on. I think, like me, they were glad of a rest. We went on the Ferris wheel (my treat) and then caught the train back.  On other days Haz drove us to an animal farm and Watson's Bay. The former was reasonably busy and ok but the latter saw us wandering along the coast line with a pod of dolphins and wandering through a forest of laughing trees. I  kid you not. The theme for the week was trees. Hiding behind branches at the botanical gardens and anywhere else we can find them. We started a gumboot garden, fixed lots of things like squeaky beds and lights, and went to new places like Berry island,  a fair and Botany Bay with the whole family.

Joke of the week.  What do you call a navigator who uses a GPS? An unemployed front seat passenger. I only thought of that because one day we took Connie to the Wilde Creatures show. Connie saw a clown with a mike and kids could go up and tell jokes. Lots of Why did the chicken cross the road and knock knock jokes. The show was based on Oscar Wilde's fairy tales.  Quite good.

On our last night we went to the panto Sleeping Beauty. Exceptionally good. Connie did the red carpet with Tim and Steph. The theatre was a beautiful building built in the late 1880's.

We also caught up with Brian and Lynn at an Indian restaurant. Great company and food. Amazing way to do cauli so will look up the recipe. Haz and Brian went sailing for a day.

Last observation - there must be a 100 ways to do a baby chino. The only thing they seem to have in common is milk and chocolate.

We are planning our next Sydney holiday already.

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