Monday, January 1, 2018

The first two days of 2018

The first day in 2018 turned out to be warm and sunny.  It was an early rise as there was no partying and we took off to look at the Rawhiti Cave before heading over to Picton.  Don and Judy decided to do their own thing so it was only us scrambling up the hill around 8.30 on the first morning of the new year.  What a way to start 2018.  First we walked over a dry creek bed, then quietly along a nice flat path that gently climbed.  Then the steep part.  Tree trunks, branches and roots helped pull us up the path to the most spectacular cave - stalagmites and stalagtites have grown for around one million years making a picturesque site for any of those keen to make the trek.  We took some photos at the top and then gingerly made our way down, bottoms first at times due to the steepness of the track. We met others on the way up and were secretly pleased we were on the downhill slide back to the car.

The drive over the hill was fairly uneventful and after a rather large late lunch at a pub we caught up with Jim and Margot.  Still in our dusty shorts we took another short walk to the centre of New Zealand (strategically placed on top of a high hill overlooking the city) and finished with a coffee where we caught up on each others news.  I am a little envious that they have three days now trekking in the Abel Tasman.

Incidentally Judy has mentioned that the centre of the country has moved about 4 metres after the last Kaikoura earthquake!!

Another uneventful drive to Picton, and after shopping have landed in our digs for the next few days.  The place is an eclectic mix of antique furniture, but should be comfortable.  We hung out some washing competing for space on the line with runner beans, wild mint and fennel and half heartedly started planning tomorrow - but I think we were all a bit tired to think seriously about more energetic activities - we didn't do well in the 5 minute quiz either.

January 2nd was a quiet day in Picton.  We wandered over to the water taxi to book our Queen Charlotte experience tomorrow and had a coffee and scone.  Harry went happily off to Omaka to see a world war two exhibition and a car museum.  I wandered with Don and Judy up the valley to a dam, a nice shady and leafy walk - perfect for a day that kept thinking about raining.

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