Saturday, September 17, 2016

Second week in September

"How are we going to live in a cashless society"?  I wondered as I stood at the cafe with my friend.  "Our internet is down" the sign said "you will need to pay by cash". Five dollars floated around in my wallet. Carrot cake or coffee? Why couldn't I be trusted "Have what you like and pay later" the sign could say.  St Johns Ambulance also had a street appeal last week.  I imagine takings were down and I dreamt of collectors walking back with a few coins jangling in big white buckets. Will street collections soon be a thing of the past?  Then there are the beggars along Lambton Quay - the numbers seem to be growing - occasionally they receive a muesli bar when I have one but that doesn't help to pay for a nights accommodation.  And the buskers whom I love supporting especially bagpipers?  

The other question for this week is why after a good amount of exercise do I have a bad nights sleep? I tried walking home and going to Pilates one day and had a really rough night floating in and out of sleep that night.  Google tells me exercise and diet affects sleep patterns - so perhaps I should have opted for the caffeine rather than the carrot cake.  What would a nutritionist say?  

Weather this week a mix of winter and summer.  Walking home up the Bridal Path was a picture some days.

The weekend was wet.  The rain started Friday night when we were at the movies watching Sully.  Saturday it rained most of the day (in the half hour it didn't I put some weedmat on the garden box in the hope of rescuing the worms who were losing the fight against birds or drowning.  We went to Don and Judy's, played rummicub and enjoyed a cauliflower kedgeree.  The cheesecake I made was pretty perfect compared to other attempts (no I did not buy it).  It was still raining on Sunday (it feels like a years rain in a weekend) and so we tried making Malai Kofta - came out a bit weird but tasted ok, but that is the story of my life when it comes to cooking.  I won't share that receipt at the mo.

Even though it is a bit cold and wet (proven by Tabby), the flowers still think it is spring time.

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