Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The week before Christmas flew by.  We monitored the DOC site about the impact of the floods on the Abel Tasman, Mike and Becks arrived from Sydney, we had lots of fun gatherings which included learning new card games. We said goodbye and happy christmas to our little elf (Gina) who was heading home for Christmas.  Work went quickly - and then it was Friday. Harry and I spent a lazy Christmas Eve afternoon sitting on Plimmerton Beach with only a few other people (who either weren't cooking Christmas dinner, or had it all organised).  Harry and I went to the evening Christmas service at the Salvation Army and saw this little video made by the children from St Pauls Church in Auckland - we shared it with everyone the next day and its worth watching -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zduwusyip8M This was our first Christmas Day in 5 years.  After lots of discussion with our family we decided not to buy presents this year and everyone found that Christmas was a lot more relaxing because of it. Christmas Day was stunning weather wise - 28 degrees outside on our little lawn, good company for brunch (Sharon, Aaron, Mike, Becks, Reuben and Olivia) and for dinner (Don, Judy, Mike, Becks and Matt), some laughs over charades (10 minutes to act out 'Suzy Snowflake' I ask you!!), lots of groans over the questions in the quiz I had made up and the jokes in the home made crackers (we had to make our own bangs when we pulled them) and some more laughs over a game we hadn't played before Balderdash.  The nut roast was a bit of a disaster (it was mainly for me and with meat options available so no one else really noticed). Don and Judy bought my second only summer pudding a real treat and the newly tried ginger, toffee and chocolate dessert was worth a photo and a second helping.   Even though this isn't a food blog - here's the recipe - oh so simple.
Whip up some cream and add some ginger marmalade and grated chocolate 
- it depends how strong you like the ginger but I used a 500 gram jar of marmalade 
and about 2/3 litre of cream.  The grated chocolate is really only for looks.
Put in a bowl (lined with tin foil so that you can get it out easily) and freeze.

Make the toffee bits by melting some sugar (I think I used about 3 tablespoons) 
in a pot and adding some almonds at the end.  I never knew toffee was so simple.  
Once it is set (fridge helps) break it up into
 lots of pieces (hammer, rolling pin or treading on it are all options for this fun activity).

Melt the chocolate and spread over the cream once you've 
taken it out of the bowl.  But do it only a little bit at a time - 
otherwise the chocolate sets before you have time to poke in the toffee. 

Admire, take photos, and put back in freezer till you need it.  
PS - take the photo before cutting as you know what cutting chocolate is like.

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