Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weta Cave and the Roxy

We spent a bit more money this weekend - a new tv, dining room chairs and bedside cabinets - there is a cost to going overseas - when we left the choice was to either spend heaps storing old furniture or buy new stuff when you return.  We compromised and did a bit of both. We are finally putting our stamp on the house, uncovering a few paintings we knew we had, and lots we had forgotten about (most of these are going back into storage me thinks).  Watched the rugby world cup with a huge sense of relief rather than elation - what a nerve ranking game.  We went to the parade in town to celebrate the cup win and it was great to see the crowds out enjoying something - our little country seems to have been through so much earthquakes, oil spills and mining disasters - so everyone seemed to want something to celebrate. Photos not brilliant - rain and crowds but you get the picture.

We went for a walk to Makara - one of those blustery days where the car is nearly blown over in the exposed car park but once around the corner the walk is quite pleasant and warm.  I enjoyed being swept up the hill and then finding it hard walking down hill against the wind.  Another day we wandered up Old Coach Road and joined the Mount Kau Kau walkway.  It was rather muddy coming down and we were lucky not to slide down most of the way.  Sharon took away some Christmas decorations and gave me all her soft toys to look after - fair swap I'm not so sure!! We also played a duet on the piano and ukelele - considering we are both teaching ourselves it was something for the ears to behold. Our stuff arrived from England and Harry put all our soft toys upstairs with all the others.

During the week I played my second game of bridge - my mind is beginning to get attuned to card playing once again but the results still aren't that great!  Then it was the last weekend before work began and we wondered where the time went.  During the weekend we met up with Jan who made a flying visit to Wellington.  We went to 'The Bach' for coffee and to Weta Cave.  It is described as a 'mini museum' which is quite apt - it is a room not much bigger than our lounge. There is a video to watch (24 seats all taken in the two sittings we were around for) where we were given an 'exclusive insight into the creativity and imagination that goes into crafting the art of Weta'. I must admit we didn't realise that these gifted people had been involved in lots of movies like Muppets and Tin-tin as well as the ones they are well known for. 'In our mini-museum, you come face to face with some of the characters, props and displays from your favourite movies'. 

Then it was on to Miramar's Roxy Cinema.  Harry used to go to this theatre when it was the 'Capitol' many years ago. I can picture a little boy buying his sweets and excitedly going into a movie.  Built in 1928 when silent movies were the thing to go to, the theatre has now undergone a huge make over - keeping the art deco facade the place has been renovated inside ridding itself of old theatre and the shopping mall look.  This is in the suburb of movie making and has had the support of many of those involved in Weta.  Inside was simply amazing with the interior built by the team who work at Weta Workshop. Next movie we go to will be at the Roxy. Incidentally, there is still a bakery next door where Harry bought a coffee bun each day for his lunch when he was little.  Another trip down memory lane...and the bun was very good.

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