It is our third week on the bus (being at the end of the bus route we can catch a 52, 89 or 90)and we are beginning to see the regulars in the morning. The girl with the ponytail who gets onto a 52 bus everytime it comes to be told it doesn't go where she wants to go, the woman with the 29 piercings in her head (13 in each ear, 1 each on her nose, her lip and her eyebrow) - I keep wanting to ask her if she would open her mouth to see if there is one hiding which would make it 30, the young couple who are obviously embarking on a relationship after meeting possibly at the bus stop, and the young boy about 11 who avidly reads the free newspaper every morning. I wonder what they think of the kiwi regulars who don't sit on the same seat each time and still talk about the scenery and the bus route.
We've had all seasons of weather this week but tonight we are sitting in the sun after a long walk around some more parts of Bristol tonight. The photos are what we are hoping we can call a typical summer Friday night in Bristol. Tonight we found the 'Courtenay Place' of Bristol where all the drinking happens in 18th century pubs along the floating harbour. The area is the Queen Square and King Street, little cobbled streets and little old buildings intermingled with newer buildings that replaced ones destroyed in the war. We went to the Llandoger Trow -originally there were 5 gables but two were bombed in the war, you can notice the one of the left has a distinct lean. The ceilings were carerra type but very simple with bent wooden beams. We got a picture of us in the little snug as it was so little with low ceilings. The Old Vic is a theatre which people are at the moment trying to save and restore. We snuck in a door and had a look at the theatre it is beautiful, a lot smaller than the hippodrome, but with a real character. It is in blue and gold and the seating is arranged in three or four levels.
Along from work is Christmas steps. This 'streete was steppered down in 1669' which is a real quaint way of saying it. The street has some quaint little shops with lovely little gifts for us girls for Christmas. At the top is the Chapel of the 3 kings of Cologne (which has the statue on the buildings) and the building has now been made into posh apartments - pity they had an open day in May which would have been fascinating to go to.
On the funny side of work Harry got an email from an unknown woman asking him out to lunch in the park. It took him a while to realise it was me using an email address which doesn't have my name - never found out if he was disappointed or not. At work they are doing a disaster recovery plan (I think this is quite amusing cos it doesn't even feature earthquake disasters) and they needed floor plans of our wards and offices. So I rang up someone I knew in estates (email address harry.friedlander) and got them within the hour. The person who wanted them couldn't believe I could achieve something in an hour which would take her days!! By, the way a couple of disasters they have had - they discovered what they thought was a WWII bomb when they were doing some building construction at the hospital, and they had a gas leak in one of the buildings.
This week went to Oceans 13, which we both enjoyed. The theatre down the road from work reminded me of a Hoyts (a bit run down). We paid an extra £1.50 for the comfortable seats but they weren't very comfortable. We watched 25 minutes of ads before the movie started. Enjoyed the movie but apparently there are theatres around like the Penthouse and Lighthouse so we might look around for those.
On Thursday we went to Bingo. Jayne goes with her Mum sometimes. The last time I went to Bingo was in a community hall where we put red counters over numbers. This time, was in a huge hall decked out like a casino, with electronic games and paper based games. You played against the rest of England in some (someone from Aberdeen won one) and locally in others. It was all quite mind boggling looking up and down rows of numbers fast. This is the last week of smoking in doors - yes we go smoke free on 1 July. Also last week of Tony Blair as prime minister (can't work out the country's reaction to that one).
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