".. The lounge door space opens up to 1.15 mts. All internal door widths are 74cms and are sliding...The entry level to the shower is 7.5 cms. There is a non slip mat and seat, but no handrails. The toilet height is 46 cms and there are handrails. The wash basin height is 82cms and there is a handrail. The Master Bed height is 48cms. The bed to wall measurement is 1.42mts. There is an adjustable grab handle over the bed attached to the ceiling. The kitchen sink height is 71 cms and there is a knee hole. The lounge seating height is 43 cms. The dining area seating height is 41 cms with a free standing table. The Bedrooms are carpeted and the lounge, kitchen, bathroom and passage are laid with vinyl. Other caravans on average are accessed by either 2, 3 or 4 steps with a height of 20cms from the top step to the threshold and an average rise of 18cms and are 71cms wide. All caravans have handrails fitted to steps. Internal doors being an average of 51 cms and will not service a wheelchair..."
So, we negotiated around the last caravan site and parked on the beach. First thing - sand - the tide was very low and the sign said we could park on the beach until 6.00 pm (just like at Titahi Bay), but not one hour either side of a high spring tide and not to swim at low tide because of mud. It is autumn and only 4.00 pm and we had bought our warm coats rather than our togs so we were o.k. We looked out to sea and all we could see was sand so off we marched to find the water (it has the second largest tide in the world for a beach so it was quite a trek). We soon found where the mud began and with a couple of steps in the outward direction stopped and turned around. I read later that some people were not quite as wise as us. There is the story of a fisherman who only a couple of months ago drove his £25,000 Honda 4x4 across mudflats and then spent the next few hours watching it slowly sink as the tide came in. He was looking for the "perfect afternoon fishing spot" - he probably didn't mean from the top of his vehicle and said he "wasn't looking forward to telling his wife what had happened". When the tide went out it cost over £3,000 to pull his vehicle out. Probably cost a bit to repair and with all the signs posted around the beach I wonder if he would be covered by his insurance but I'll let him deal with that one. (Couldn't resist putting a photo on the blog of the Honda I found on the web). Another, not so local man also lost his car and described is as "just one of those things... I just parked it up and it went down in the mud", he said. And another story of the Brean mud - a buried car rose out of the mud 36 years after it had sunk. It was a Vauxhall Victor 101 lost in the mudflats in 1973 when the owners also went fishing. They didn't notice the tide turning and tried to reverse the car out but the clutch went and there they were saying goodbye to their car. I guess it might be a challenge for the panel beater to remove the rust after all those years!! Anyway, Brean is also on the international scene because there are UFOs flying around the sky. Rather like a large tube UFO enthusiasts have dismissed the sceptics suggesting it was a weather balloon, kite or some other common object - it definitely isn't a hoax or a natural phenomenon. With all this excitement happening perhaps we should stay closer to Bristol more often so we don't miss out on it.
Thankfully, as we walked out towards the sea, we worked out when the sand stopped and the mud began.

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