To get around Shanghai there is a choice of transport modes - a tourist would be unwise to use some of them. The locals get around by cycles (power cycles, bicycles, and tricycles) and scooters (all popular for business men and woman in suits, parents dubbing children, school children, workers carrying their wares), buses, the underground and taxis. Us tourists tended to use the safe vehicles like taxis, maglev train (the fastest train in the world, the Maglev travels at 430 kilometers an hour and takes 8 minutes to get from the airport to the centre compared with 45 minutes in a car - unfortunately we didn't have a ride), the underground, tour buses and our feet. It is arguable whether these types of transport are the safest. Harry tried the underground one day when going to the car show (crowded, clean, no graffiti and also cheap). The taxis are also cheap, and except on rainy days when it is virtually impossible to find an available one, they are generally easily found. On the one wet day taxi's refused to come to the hotel. I walked to the main street where I stood not at a taxi stand, but in between the bike/scooter lane and the first lane for cars and waited for a taxi to stop to let their passengers out (usually somewhere illegal, but outside a shopping mall, restaurants or a hotel). After driving round for a couple of days we worked out the road rules:
- if a seat belt is fitted in a taxi, cover it with a white seat cover so that the passenger can not use them
- if turning in any direction, you have the right of way - even if pedestrians are on a 'cross' light just honk the horn and expect them to get out of the way
- do not stop even if you have a red light unless there is a stream of traffic travelling at right angles which is impossible to navigate around or through
- feel free to make another lane at any time, especially if there is a queue
- stay in the fast lane at all times and ignore the honking of horns and yelling
- if you wish to stop - do so - do not find a legal park.

'Traffic police said yesterday that 64 people were killed in road accidents on local streets last month, 20 percent fewer than the 80 people who died in traffic accidents in January. A total 195 people were injured in car accidents last month, which was a slight increase, month on month. Congestion on 79 major downtown roads was slightly improved from a month earlier, with morning rush-hour traffic moving at above 10 kilometers an hour on average. However, police said the roads will be busy again next month due to Tomb-Sweeping Day. Qingming Festival falls on the first Saturday of next month and traditionally sees families visiting the tombs of their relatives to pay tribute to the dead.Rain will worsen road conditions during the upcoming traffic peak, slowing traffic and increasing the possibility of accidents, police said'.
I think that proves you should chose the time you visit Shanghai - not in the wet season and not during festivities.

Shanghai does have a large number of tall buildings and they aren't just apartment blocks that look as they were built in the 1960's or 70's. There is construction everywhere. Our first visit to People's Square showed green parks surrounded by high office blocks - modern architecture - with an occasional old historic place. Most, if not all of the buildings were built in the 1990's (each a different design, and meaning something about the future of Shanghai). It seems that the political regime of earlier years had little regard for the history of Shanghai but now realise their mistake. The only piece of the town wall still standing is heralded as historic - although it doesn't look well maintained. It surrounds a very old group of lane houses (longtangs). There's no graffiti anywhere and I felt safe wandering around in most places - there is safety in numbers and security guards (every 50 or so metres they stood, either singly or in pairs, under brightly coloured beach umbrellas -sheltered from the rain or the sun). We went on an evening boat trip along the Bund - a pretty area where 'on a small oblong plot of land are jammed all the foreign and Chinese banks, hotels (except ours), department stores and clubs' - it is described as Shanghai's Wall Street. It is very pretty by night and probably just as lovely by day (but we didn't go back as a lot of the pedestrian area is under construction - probably improvements before the World Expo in 2010). Xintiandi in architecture speak is the first 're-use' project. I think that means that buildings are meant to be restored and renovated, but this area really is a copy of the once longtang houses with narrow alleys. It was here in the houses, that the locals lived in such little houses that they washed their clothes and even cleaned their chamber pots in full view of the public. Today the renovation is home to classy restaurants, cafes and a few homes. The museum is a refurbished long tang - but not that small - obviously lived in by the gentry and a little bit disappointing in not seeing the 'mini' houses.


It depends on who you talk to but the population of Shanghai is around 17 million to 22 million and it is either the 3rd or 5th largest city in the world. Whatever the accurate figure - there is no doubt there are lots of people. Apparently, the Government was concerned a while back at a declining population (I can guess it might have something to do with the number of tax payers supporting an elderly population) due to the 1 child policy and so the rules changed - couples who are both only children are legally allowed 2 children now - that must be great for the grandparents as well. I did read somewhere that because many children have no siblings they are very spoilt and this is causing problems as the generation turns into adults - you can imagine a business meeting with everyone expecting to get everything their way. Apparently, if you prefer dogs to children you not only have to register the animal but also pay 5 neighbours for permission to have the dog. Many of the people are employed in menial tasks. Besides the security work, road cleaning, rubbish collection, retail markets and shops, concreting mixing by hand, gardeners using weed eaters and hedge clippers to cut extensive lawns. No health and safety rules here - bamboo scaffolding, no ear muffs for noisy situations, no cones to protect workers on roads and motorways. They appear to work hard and are a gentle, busy people, unaggressive (unless on scooters, bikes or driving cars). Retirement for woman is 50 and for men 60 - but this might soon rise due to the slightly empty pension fund bucket - if it does there will still be 10 years difference between the retiring ages. If you aren't clearly a banker or office worker the fashion appears to be jeans and a nice top - but on rainy days another fashion comes to the fore. The colour and pattern on your umbrella is very important even for guys (you can choose from a range of colours, patterns, designs, frills, tartans, sizes), and the colour of the cape that cyclists and scootists use is also important. On all days, some people wear pyjamas - it has something to do with proving you are wealthy enough to buy pyjamas - but if I was poor I would just buy the nightwear (dig the photo below of the Mickey Mouse pyjamas) - the government are trying to discourage this cool trend. Clothes seem to be purchased in huge shopping malls - 7 or so storeys and full of young girl's clothing - oh and jewellery and watches and little Chinese memorabilia. Harry's eyes lit up when he thought he spied a computer shop 'Megabite' - but it was another food hall (I told him so!!). I did read that you needed to be a bit careful of prangsters who invited you to have chinese tea with them and then went to the loo (still can't get the hang of squat loos where you have to pick up the paper before you go in) just as the bill was about to arrive never to return. On our first day at People's Square we met 3 young people who asked us to take a photo and then asked us to come with them for a chinese tea. We visited the silk mill established first in 1926. The caterpillars eat Mulberry bushes, spin a cocoon and the cocoon is unravelled and woven into a silk thread and then a garment, duvet, pillow cases, table clothes etc (looks great, feels great, costs great). We were welcomed to the mill with a little brochure that stated 'Respectable Guests welcome to our mill' and watched woman sorting cocoons, working looms, spreading silk matting for duvets. We also went to the government owned tea farm - this is where the real green tea is made. Did you know there are six stages to the making of Green Tea:

- pick the fresh leaves - 72,000 of the tender shoots to make one kilogram of tea (woman)
- dry leaves in the air (nature)
- first dry in a huge wok (man)
- absorb moisture (man)
- second dry again in that huge wok (man)
- make tea (woman)
- drink tea (woman, man and us)
- put a pinch of leaves in your glass
- pour small amount of hot water on it (80-85 degrees)
- swirl and smell
- add more water in 3 small pours and leave for 5 minutes.
- tap with 2 fingers 3 times on table to say thanks
- drink.

Gardens and the Green Environment 

The gardens were enjoyable to wander around, and not quite as stylised as other Chinese gardens we have been to outside China (or am I thinking of Japanese Gardens?). Besides the plants in many of them were little quotes particularly in Suzhou gardens:
900 years old and floated through the village in a traditional fishing boat converted to a rowing boat for tourists. An elderly woman sang us traditional songs as she worked the oar. A young Norwegian we travelled with said he ' would have loved to have been there 100 years ago as the only tourist' and I tended to agree. We watched as locals sold their wares, showed us their creativity (painting on the inside of glass balls was impressive) and went about their daily chores. At other places the authorities provided bikes free of charge so locals and tourists alike could cycle along the roads under the shade of maples and weeping willows. There were ponds of red carp, white and mongrel peacocks, pigeons. We travelled through Hangzhou, the capital city of the Zhejiang Province (and one of China's seven ancient capitals), one of the prettiest cities we've seen as it lies by the Qiantang River and on the West Lake.
- clean environment and civilised behaviour co-create the beautiful scenery
- your health rests with your civilised behaviour
- civilised tour environment is created by all of us
- kindly treat the viriscence around in the way life is treated (had trouble with this one and so googled 'viriscence' - the state or process of becoming green, especially the abnormal development of green coloration in plant parts normally not green... well that didn't help)
900 years old and floated through the village in a traditional fishing boat converted to a rowing boat for tourists. An elderly woman sang us traditional songs as she worked the oar. A young Norwegian we travelled with said he ' would have loved to have been there 100 years ago as the only tourist' and I tended to agree. We watched as locals sold their wares, showed us their creativity (painting on the inside of glass balls was impressive) and went about their daily chores. At other places the authorities provided bikes free of charge so locals and tourists alike could cycle along the roads under the shade of maples and weeping willows. There were ponds of red carp, white and mongrel peacocks, pigeons. We travelled through Hangzhou, the capital city of the Zhejiang Province (and one of China's seven ancient capitals), one of the prettiest cities we've seen as it lies by the Qiantang River and on the West Lake.

On my day alone I ventured into Fu Xing Park - an old park in the middle of the city. I wandered down tree lined paths in the rain to the statue of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and wondered what it would have been like during the French concession and as a Japanese parade ground. The word concession came up a lot in the history books and tourist guides but everyone assumed that I knew what it meant - I didn't but do now. 'A Concession (territory): an area within one country that is administered by another, usually conceded by a weaker country to a stronger one'. Some of the history of the city is:
My wanderings took me to Sun Yat-Sens former residence and museum (I had to turn my mind way back to 4th form history to remember his part in political history). He and his wife Soong Ching Ling (friend of Rewi Ally) lived here and it was here they wrote most of the ariticles about socialism and democracy - his focus at first was on food, clothing, housing, cars and printing (similar priorities today but you might change the types of industry). He established the Kuomintang party in 1905, to replace the ailing Qing dynasty with democratic leadership, and finally succeeded in 1911 (not sure if telling all Chinese to cut off pigtails was democratic though).
The Ling Yin Temple was an adventure as we walked the stairs carved into rocks that led to the Temple. There are over 400 carvings in the rock which were originally designed to lead the worshipper to the temple. Inside the temple were rather large wooden statues - some welcoming good, and others designed to frighten away the bad. Lots of people praying, burning incense (ashes symbolise the prayers and helps the Buddha to hear and understand). The monastery was founded in 328 AD and at its peak the the temple boasted nine multi-storey buildings, 18 pavilions, 72 halls, more than 1300 dormitory rooms, inhabited by more than 3000 monks. In the centre of Shanghai also stands the Jade buddha temple - known particularly for its two statues each made from one piece of green jade. Although buddhas are not meant to be gender specific these ones definitely had feminine features. The statues were bought (stolen?) in 1882 by a monk (Hui glen) on his pilgrimage from Burma. He had 5 buddha statues but left 2 in Shanghai and took the other 3 to his local island.

So, that is our first trip to China and hopefully not our last.
- It started as a small fishing village on the edge of the muddy Huang Pu River
- The British establish a concession by forced treaty with the Qing Dynasty after China loses the first Opium War. Concessions were governed by the occupying country and were untouchable by Chinese law.
- The French, Americans and Japanese soon followed the British in establishing territories in Shanghai.
- 1930s: Shanghai became world's largest trading and banking firms have set up house along the Bund.
- Tea, silk and porcelain sail to Europe and America and opium comes in to pay for it.
- No visas or passports are required at the port and Shanghai soon becomes infamous as an exotic port of call.
- 1931-1941: Shanghai becomes a haven for Jews fleeing Nazi terror. As other countries closed their doors to immigrants in the lead up to the Second World War, over 20,000 Jewish refugees found asylum in Shanghai.
- 1937: Japanese bombs hit Shanghai and the foreigners evacuate en masse. Japanese control Shanghai and much of China's eastern coast until their defeat at the hands of the Allied Powers in 1945.
- 1943: The Allied governments abandon Shanghai during the War and sign their territories over to Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang government. The foreign concession era officially ends.
- 1949: Most foreigners have left Shanghai and the Chinese Communist state takes control of the city and the formerly privately-held businesses.
- Industry suffers until 1976 under the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) as hundreds of thousands of Shanghainese locals are sent to work in rural areas throughout China. The advent of Deng Xiaopeng's open door policy allowed a commercial revival to take place in Shanghai.
My wanderings took me to Sun Yat-Sens former residence and museum (I had to turn my mind way back to 4th form history to remember his part in political history). He and his wife Soong Ching Ling (friend of Rewi Ally) lived here and it was here they wrote most of the ariticles about socialism and democracy - his focus at first was on food, clothing, housing, cars and printing (similar priorities today but you might change the types of industry). He established the Kuomintang party in 1905, to replace the ailing Qing dynasty with democratic leadership, and finally succeeded in 1911 (not sure if telling all Chinese to cut off pigtails was democratic though).

The Ling Yin Temple was an adventure as we walked the stairs carved into rocks that led to the Temple. There are over 400 carvings in the rock which were originally designed to lead the worshipper to the temple. Inside the temple were rather large wooden statues - some welcoming good, and others designed to frighten away the bad. Lots of people praying, burning incense (ashes symbolise the prayers and helps the Buddha to hear and understand). The monastery was founded in 328 AD and at its peak the the temple boasted nine multi-storey buildings, 18 pavilions, 72 halls, more than 1300 dormitory rooms, inhabited by more than 3000 monks. In the centre of Shanghai also stands the Jade buddha temple - known particularly for its two statues each made from one piece of green jade. Although buddhas are not meant to be gender specific these ones definitely had feminine features. The statues were bought (stolen?) in 1882 by a monk (Hui glen) on his pilgrimage from Burma. He had 5 buddha statues but left 2 in Shanghai and took the other 3 to his local island.

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