Today we tried to hire a car. We couldn’t find the phone book so I rang a dealer to ask for the phone number of a rental car. A nice man named Nick answered and was very helpful and I promised to come around and see him later.
We rang Avis and they asked for all our details and then said we couldn’t hire one if we didn’t have a credit card unless we had 3 utility bills in our name. So, we didn’t hire a car. (so all of you coming over keep your NZ credit card if you can). I think there are probably similar requirements to NZ but we didn’t realise cos we always had a card. So, we headed towards town on the bus, caught another bus and looked for some car yards. We came to one which Harry had researched on the web and we found a car. The other day I said to Harry that I don’t mind what car we get but it had to be either yellow or red with a blue interior. The look on his face was worth the joke!!.
Anyway we bought a car. Guess what? It is yellow with blue and yellow upholstery. Harry thought long and hard cos it isn’t a Toyota but in the end decided that it was tidy and mechanically sound. He negotiated a new cam belt. I’ve attached a photo of the car with its new proud owner. It is a bit of a pity that Nicky has got the number plate back in NZ that we now want and I am sure that someone else will have it in the UK ‘MIBUG’.
It is interesting buying a car. You have to have compulsory insurance – third party and you can’t register it (the new owner has to do this) until you have insurance. So, we went to the internet cafe and after 2 hours managed to get into some sites – it looks as though 3rd party (with fire and theft) is about £200 which is reasonably expensive. We are going to wait until Monday and go and visit a couple of other companies that won’t give us quotes on the net. I suspect it is because we don’t have an employer and also have an international licence that the premium is so high.
We then went to a pub for lunch – the unhealthy 2 for $5 meals – but by this time it was 4.00 and we felt we needed something. We watch the run up to the Epsom Derby and the actual race which the favourite won. Haz was very pleased cos I finished dinner first (a most unusual occurrence) he maintains I must have eaten very fast, I thought it was cos he couldn’t do 2 things at once – eat and watch tv.
We then went for a walk and went to another church which was closed. St Mary Redcliffe – lovely from the outside. Went to a park Windmill Hill and sat and read the paper for a while and came home.
We are both beginning to miss everyone – it has been two weeks exactly since we left. It feels like so much longer. NZ will still be tops where ever we go, but it is good to see the history. I have a feeling that the Englanders take the history for granted as there aren’t nearly as many signposts etc about as I would be expecting. I think if we had grown up with it I would be the same.
Anyway, I hope you laughed when you saw the picture of the car. We haven’t really got a v dub – but a Citroen Saxo (3 door hatch)– and guess what it is yellow with a blue interior – so I got my wish after all – photo will come after Tuesday when we pick it up.
The photos of the gardens are especially for Mum, Cheryl and Heather whom I know will love the english gardens.
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