Anyway the photos are in no particular order and we don't have time to figure out how to order them - our own pc is number one priority = with a car.
Caramello sits on a table waiting for lunch. Lovely home made lasagne, salad and french bread. Harry was fascinated with the waitress - a woman our age with white trousers on. Was she wearing a g-string, or no-string because he could clearly see the tattoo on her right cheek!!
I was more interested in Gideon sitting at the table beside us with his three friends. The waitress in white pants delivered two cottage pies - he started eating one and I wondered why his girl friend didn't start hers - had she been bought up to be polite and wait until everyone got their food - noooooo... when Gideon finished his first cottage pie he ate the second. He obviously had high energy levels as he looked fit.
We had a nice walk along the Avon and through the bush to the suspension bridge. Very high up and built and designed by this guy Brunel - finished in 1864 just after he died. Half way along the cliff is a 'cave' which we walked down some very narrow steps too through the rock face. Quite fascinating. The tide on the Avon drops 12 metres and the boats.
Anyway, meal times have bought us some amusement and horror. The first at YHA saw a young man abuse the kitchen staff for five minutes because there were no sausages. Just when we thought we might go to reception to get them some back up he decided to go down to reception to complain. It was quite awful to see. At our new bed and breakfast we watched a group of four young men ask for a full english breakfast toast, egg, sausage, bacon, baked beans etc etc. When it arrived one of them said he was a vegetarian!! and he wanted just eggs on toast - which he subsequently returned complaining they weren't cooked enough. Here we are good old kiwis simply grateful there is a breakfast in clean surroundings!!
The pictures below are of this seasons clothes - I mentioned that I did not think that they would be any good in Wellington winds - and dig the colours. I must admit there are a few other colours around and some really nice fashions but this reminded me of Stepford wives. the sheep below are for my sister Cheryl - she lives on a sheep farm in Eketehuna and I thought that Marty and her could make some similar ones for her garden. the toilet seat - I am not usually fascinated by toilet seats but I could not quite figure out the purpose of this one so thought others might have an idea.
we met up with Anne in the evening and wandered around looking for a pub to eat a latish dinner - 7.30 ish. they seem to stop serving meals on a Saturday night after 6.00 which us kiwis found quite amusing - we settled for fish and chips in a little takeaway which was fine.

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